Driving Tutorial

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When you have done the Starting Tutorial its now time to drive a train. But how to drive it? Here you will find it out.

Placing a train (Explore only)

In explore mode you need to place your train before you can use it. For placing a train you go to the left side with your mouse. Click on the train icon. Now you see a screen with all the trains available in this beta version. Select the train of your choice and the amount of the trains by pressing the add button. After that select the station were you want to place your train. When done press OK and the train was loaded on the selected station.
Warning Icon.png The beta does not yet check if the track is free, be careful not to place 2 trains at the same start point. Warning Icon.png

Add icon.png opens Add.png

Select your train and get in

Before you can start your train you first need to select it. You can select your train in the consist bar in the bottom of the screen. On the left side of the consist bar you can scroll to all the trains loaded on that moment. Click on the cab to get in the train.

Consist bar.png

Starting the train

The first point before you can drive is to start the train. To start the train press Ctrl+F4. Now you be able to drive the train. If you stay on a station with overhead wire you can't drive directly, you have to put the pantograph up with Ctrl+P, now the train has power to drive. This last step is only for overhead wired tracks.

Standard driving

Beside the ATB (read that page for information about the ATB) you can drive now. To drive forward first be sure the train is in PZ throttle (MG2,SG2 and RSG2) or in Rij throttle (RSG3 and SG3). You can change that with the Q, and W, keys. Then you can press the >, for more traction or the <, for the brakes. You can see your speed and the maximum speed in your front. For braking is a maximum of 4.00 for the MG2,SG2 and RSG2 and a maximum of 0.75 for the RSG3 and SG3 comfortable for the passengers. For throttle there is no maximum but the RSG3 and SG3 can accelerate fast so hold the maximum on 0.75 for the most comfortable ride.

Using the emergency brakes

In case of an emergency the trains have an emergency brake. They can be used to stop the train in a short range but when used it causes flat wheels which make a lot of noise. The emergency brakes can be different depending on the train type:


The MG2 don't have emergency brakes, the maximum they can brake is -7.00.

SG2 and RSG2

The SG2 and RSG2 can brake with a maximum of -8.00 but besides it brakes extremely fast it isn't an emergency brake. For that you have to activate the track brakes. The track brakes are automatically on when the pantograph is up but on the third rail you have to activate them with the emergency button ( Ctrl+L). Now you should hear a high noise, use the /. key to activate the emergency brake.

MG2/1, SG2/1, RSG3 and SG3

The MG2/1, SG2/1, RSG3 and SG3 all have the same system for their emergency brakes. To activate the emergency brakes you set the brakes of the train to -2.00. You can activate the emergency brakes by pressing the /. key.

Stop at a station

When on duty you always have to stop on every station so reaching your maximum ATB speed is not necessary and sometimes unreachable. Before reaching the platform slow down until a maximum speed between 40 and 50 km/h is reached otherwise you can not brake hard enough to stop at the platform. Also try to stop the train next to the numbered sign which contains the number of carriages you have. The blue ones give them for the MG2, SG2, RSG2, MG2/1 and SG2/1 while the RSG3 and SG3 uses the white ones. When stopped at the platform you can choose to unlock or open the doors, be sure you open them on the proper side. After some time (8 seconds for small stations and 12 for the bigger stations) you can close the doors and leave the station.

Passing a station

When off duty you have to pass some stations without stopping. Keep in mind to slow down before passing a station.


Using the pantograph

At some lines the trains take there electricity from an overhead wire. Before the train can receive the electricity from the overhead wire you have to rise the pantograph with Ctrl+P. If you drive from the overhead wire to the third rail you have to press Shift+P. to lower the pantograph. You have to raise and lower the pantograph between the signs below:

Pass a level crossing

In the simulator there are two kinds of level crossings, for the differences see AHOB. Passing them is easy but some things are good to remember. The AHOB as used on the RET metro parts uses ATS lights which give you permission to pass, blue means don't pass and yellow means you can pass safely. The ATS light will turn yellow when the barriers are unlocked to go down. When a crossing is placed behind a station you have to activate the crossing with the activator loop, drive slowly over the loop and wait until the yellow ATS light turns on. The Randstadrail uses other AHOB barriers, they work with the CVL paths. When a path is created over a crossing the crossing will close. There is one difference with stations. As long as you are in a station the crossing won't close and the ZUB sign will stay red, to pass press TAB. Now the crossing will close and the ZUB sign will turn green, you can pass.