1st: As I mentioned before, I am not talented in drawing, so those repaints may look cringeworthy for you. But I can't do better.
2nd: Repaint templates will be posted in a separate post, due to limit of 3 attachments per post.
Name of the repaints: What if ČD (Czech Railways) owned BR class 378?
BR class 378 (4-cars) Trivia:
1st: This repaint was hugely inspired by the default livery of the ČD class 451 (Pantograph, Frogmouth) EMU. You can see it below:

2nd: The reason why ČD class 451's livery was chosen is, because like BR class 378, ČD class 451 EMUs were made in huge numbers and they were used for a lot of the commuter local trains around the Prague.
3rd: Unlike BR class 378 EMUs, which are used in the UK untill nowadays, Around 2018, the ČD class 451 EMUs were officially retired and replaced by ČD class 471 (Elephant, Mess tin). Most of the ČD class 451 EMUs are now staying decommisioned (some of them were even cannibalized for spare parts) in various depots around Czechia. Only 2 of ČD class 451 EMU's were taken as museum relicts, restored into they original state and they sometimes show up on various special events. In some cases, these museum EMUs are taken for a regular service as a part of the "retro ride" project. The reason, why are ČD class 451 EMUs retired, is their age (the first batch was made in 1968).
4th: Unlike BR class 378, ČD class 451 has no 3rd rail shoes, and it's a panto-only vehicle. Also the voltage system, ČD class 451 runs on, is completely different (BR class 378 runs on 750 V DC from the 3rd rail, or 25 kV 50Hz AC from the catenary. ČD class 451 runs only on 3 kV DC from the catenary). Also unlike BR class 378, which has a single Z-shaped panto, ČD class 451 has a pair of diamond shaped pantos, which are both lifted up simultaneously and can't be lifted up separately.
5th: Unlike BR class 378, ČD class 451 has no door on their front mask, nor driver's door on the sides. In ČD class 451, the driver has to enter the "engine room" from the passenger saloon and pass through it to reach the cabin. If there were 2 ČD class 451 EMUs coupled into pair, and the passenger wanted to for example go from the rear EMU to the front EMU, he/she had to wait, before the train stopped at the station and then it could go there.
6th: In the ČD class 451's original livery, there's a class ID number placed between the headlight and the coupler. This was ommited on the repaint, since that would be innapropriate on the class 378, which has a completely different class ID number.
Diesel BR class 378 (fictional) Trivia:
1st: This repaint was hugely inspired by the newer livery (also called "Najbrt livery") of the ČD class 854 (Hydra) DMU. You can see it below:

2nd: The reason, why the ČD class 854's livery was chosen is, because I believe, if the diesel version of BR class 378 exist IRL, it would be used in the similar manner, like ČD class 854, which is used for semi-express and express trains.
3rd: Although it may look like it, The nickname for ČD class 854 (Hydra) isn't actually reffering to the mythical multi-headed dragons, but instead, it refers to the propulsion method, used by ČD class 854 (diesel-hydraulic propulsion method).
4th: Like NS-ICM, ČD class 854 also has a "walk through head." But unlike NS-ICM, the driver's cabin in ČD class 854 isn't placed above the walking corridor, but on the right side next to it. Also the walking corridor itself isn't completely separated from the driver's cabin. It's like in the repaint version of the BR class 378. Also the "walk through head" is only placed ont the one side, where isn't the DMU's engine room placed.
5th: Unlike Both repaint versions of BR class 378, which can be coupled together. ČD class 451 and ČD class 854 can't be coupled together due to different types of couplers (ČD class 451 has a Scharfenberg coupler, whereas ČD class 854 has a chain coupling).
6th: Like on ČD class 451's livery, on the ČD class 854's livery, there's a class ID number placed above the right headlight and below the right windshield. Like on repaintable 4-car BR class 378's repaint, this was ommited on Diesel BR class 378's repaint for the same reason, like on the repaintable 4-car BR class 378's repaint.
7th: The text, next to the ČD logo on the repaint says "České Dráhy - Národní dopravce," which in Czech stands for "Czech Railways - The national transport company."