CVL Tutorial

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Now that you can drive a train, it is time to learn about the Traffic Control Console (CVL) and its operations.

Opening the CVL

Opening the CVL is possible with two keys: F1, (open the CVL) or F2, (open and give input).

The CVL panel

When you have opened the CVL, you will see a blue screen with the track (yellow lines) and section-numbers (white numbers). In this panel, you can make a path through intersections. In this panel, you also can see the actual sim time and where the trains are on the tracks.CVLstandardsize.png

Make a path

Before you can cross an intersection, a path is necessary. This path can be auto-generated by your train number or can be made manually by typing RWI.png. When you make a wrong path and want to delete it, you can type RWO.png.

Change your train number

For making an auto-generated route or a DRIM text, you can change your train number. By default, a train unaffected has an F100?? code. This number has no function; to change this number type. TWZ.png.

You can check all destination codes here.

Split trains

If you want to split a single train into two separate trains, you can type SPLIT.png. Now you have two trains with different codes.

Station departure block

If a train is ahead of schedule, it will get a station departure block (vertrekverbod). You can also give this signal manually by typing VVI.png or remove it manually by typing VVO.png.

Automatic junctions

When a path file is loaded, you can choose which junctions are automated and which not. You can do this by typing DV.png or the other commands.

DV Go straight ahead on both sides.
AK Reverse at this junction.
AB Automatic junction by destination code.
FE Manual junction.

Not every code is available on every junction.

More to come